diet for prostatitis

proper nutrition for prostatitis in men

Many men have to deal with inflammation of the prostate and are often interested in the question: "Do I need a diet for prostatitis? "- yes, you need it! Proper nutrition for prostatitis and diet directly affect how your prostate works!

When treating prostatitis, the doctor will definitely adjust the diet and also tell you what you can and cannot eat. It is worth noting that the diet for prostatitis has nothing to do with the diet used for pathologies of the digestive system. It is important to know the basics of proper nutrition to exclude the possibility of an exacerbation.

A diet for prostatitis involves eating a lot of vegetables, lean meat and dairy products. Adjusting the diet will be an excellent prevention of the disease.

The role of proper nutrition in prostatitis

Doctors have discovered that the intestines and the prostate are closely related. Any disruption in the digestive system, for example, irritation of the mucous membrane or increased gas formation, can provoke an exacerbation of the disease and become a predisposition for the development of inflammation of the prostate.

Proper nutrition with prostatitis allows you to improve bowel function and reduce the likelihood of relapse or speed up recovery.

Thanks to the adjusted menu, a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances will enter the body, therefore, immunity will be strengthened, the body's resistance to infectious processes will increase, and the work of the prostate and other organs will improve.

Nutrition for prostatitis is adjusted according to the recommendations of the attending physician. The fact is that the list of prohibited and allowed products often changes according to the severity and stage of the disease.

Features of the diet for prostatitis

If prostatitis is detected, the diet can speed up the healing process.

Nutrition for prostatitis should be based on the following principles:

  1. To improve bowel function, it is important to consume enough fiber.
  2. Products that contain preservatives, as well as natural allergens, should be excluded from the diet.
  3. Do not eat foods that promote gas formation. During periods of remission, cabbage, milk and other products can be included in the menu, but in small amounts.
  4. It is important to eat foods rich in vitamin E (wheat germ, corn oil, etc. ).
  5. Sugar should be replaced with natural honey.
  6. It is important to consume vegetable proteins and fats. As carbohydrates, it is better to use cereals and vegetables.

To prevent prostatitis from coming back again, the diet should be supplemented with cessation of smoking, alcohol and other bad habits.

What can not be eaten with prostatitis?

Nutrition for prostatitis should be balanced and healthy. To speed up the healing process and prevent exacerbation in the chronic form, it is important to know what to eat with prostatitis and what not.

Prohibited products include:

  • marinades
  • canned food
  • smoked meats
  • fatty and fried foods
  • animal fats, especially lard
  • all kinds of legumes
  • hot herbs and spices
  • rich broths
  • confectionery
  • semi-finished products
  • snacks anyway
  • sausages

If you don't know what you can't eat during an exacerbation of prostatitis, remember that it's best not to include cabbage, radish, and other foods that can cause increased gas formation in the intestines. It is necessary to abandon onions, garlic and other spicy vegetables.

If you've figured out what to eat with prostatitis, it's worth making adjustments to your drinking. You should give up alcohol in any form, black tea, coffee and soda.

Useful products for prostatitis

Vegetables, meats and other products with prostatitis should be included in the diet. The male body needs to receive proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.

It is worth using these useful products for prostatitis:

  • beets, carrots and other vegetables
  • lean meat and poultry
  • dairy products
  • vegetable oils (especially corn oil)
  • types of skinny fish
  • Dry fruits
  • nuts
  • cereals
  • Bran
  • Seafood
  • greens
  • Honey
  • quail and chicken eggs

Products with prostatitis should not be fried. It is best to use heat treatment methods such as stewing, boiling and steaming. You can also bake it, but without adding too much oil.

Of beverages, it is recommended to use weak green or herbal tea, a decoction of hawthorn or wild rose, fruit drink or juice, fruit compote or dried fruit, jam, still mineral water (in the absence of contraindications ).

What can be a diet menu for prostatitis?

If a diet for prostatitis is required, the menu must be balanced.

With a chronic course of the disease, the following options are possible:




Before bedtime

1st option

Hercules porridge, boiled egg, grated carrots with sour cream, herbal tea or compote

Vegetable soup, rice and boiled fish, a slice of rye bread, fruit jam

Cottage cheese casserole with peaches or apricots, apple, kissel


2nd option

Poached egg, barley, fresh cucumber, still mineral water

Buckwheat porridge, boiled asparagus, seafood, weak green tea

Rabbit stewed in sour cream, fresh vegetable salad, jam

Natural yogurt without additives

3rd option

Buckwheat porridge with vegetables, cottage cheese, herbal tea

Potato soup, boiled lean meat, steamed vegetable chops, fruit juice

Steamed chicken meatballs, boiled zucchini with vegetables, fruit jam

curdled milk

During periods of exacerbation of the disease, there should be a stricter diet for prostatitis, the menu is adjusted.

Dietary recommendations for the prevention of prostatitis

In order not to need medical nutrition for prostatitis, it is worth taking care of disease prevention in advance.

Have a few tips:

  1. Cut down on coffee and spicy foods.
  2. Drink a lot of water.
  3. Eat fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods to prevent prostatitis.
  4. Limit the amount of trans fats that can trigger inflammation.
  5. Do not abuse fatty meat, which is high in cholesterol.

If you choose the right products - prostatitis prevention will be successful!

Take care of your health - eat right!